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Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)
Translation from Zherikhin 1991:
"Body elongated, usually more or less parallel-sided, with width more than height. Rostrum straight or slightly curved, transversely-oval in section, approximately parallel-sided or slightly expanded towards apex; at base, and often completely, scaled, often densely; with weak medial keel or without. Mandibles extended anteriorly. Postmentum short. Antennae attached proximally of the middle of rostrum, scape short, not reaching eye; flagellomeres without silky short dense hairs, club pointed, significantly wider than flagellum. Eyes round or slightly transverse. Pronotum more or less flat, sometimes with indentations on disk, with anterior margin strongly extended anteriorly and base strongly bi-emarginate; narrowed anteriorly, subapical constriction usually apparent on the sides but not dorsally.
Fore coxae posteriorly with a strong pointed appendage, developed apparently from fused together with coxa postcoxal part of wall of the furrow. Elytra more or less parallel-sided, elongate, usually flat or almost flat longitudinally, with basal flap-like appendages more or less overlapping pronotum. Rostral furrow on mesonotum usually not exceed the level of anterior margin of mid coxae and surrounded by a tall overhanging ledge, seldom reaching the level of the middle of coxae, and in that case its apical part flat, without the ledge.
Metanotum long, from mid coxa till hind coxa longer than diameter of mid coxa. Hind coxae not reaching lateral side of elytra. Basal sternites of abdomen weakly or moderately enlarged, usually shorter than the third and fourth sternites together. Anal setae not very long, in form of two non-compact groups. Femorae weakly or not expanded towards the apes, hind femorae completely scaled on internal side. Tibiae flattened, usually distinctly shorter than femorae, sometimes long, without longitudinal keels; joint areas usually weakly oblique, uncus often, but not always, moved towards apical angle, apical whorl usually strongly reduced not only on internal but external side of tibia, if well developed, then not oblique but transverse. Fore tibiae without excavation with long hairs. Claws simple, free. Body covered with scales, more or less densely, usually completely.
The tribe includes several genera previously in subtribes Cryptorhynchina and Strongylopterina of the tribe Cryptorhynchini. In the Far East it is represented by following genera: Syrotelus, Menectetorus, Platygasterocercus and Gasterocercus. Besides, apparently there also belong Euthyrhinus, Serrotelum, Odosyllus, Chaetectetorus, Orochlesis, Aechmura, Osseteris, Therebus, Oreda, Parempleurus, Neoampagia, Rhyssemmatoides, Episcirus, Cophes, Hohonus, Rhynchus, Phalias, and, possibly, a number of other genera."
Of these Parempleurus, Therebus and Oreda are Psepholacini (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (1999).