
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
W. E. Clark1980Additions to the Neotropical weevil genus Rosella Whitehead (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): R. triophori (Gyllenhal), n. comb., transferred from Lignyodes Dejean, and R. arcuata, n. sp.
A. Senna1898Additions à la faune brenthidologique du Kamerun.
W. Roelofs1880Additions à la Faune du Japon. Nouvelles espèces de Curculionides et familles voisines. Observations sur les espèces déjà publiées.
S. A. Campbell, Borden J. H.2009Additive and synergistic integration of multimodal cues of both hosts and non-hosts during host selection by woodboring insects
D. G. Knochel, Monson, N. D., Seastedt, T. R.2010Additive effects of aboveground and belowground herbivores on the dominance of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe)
H. E. Billiald, Straw, N. A., Stewart, A. J. A.2010Adult fecundity, host plant preferences, field activity and parasitism in the leaf weevil Phyllobius pyri (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
J. R. Leeper1974Adult feeding behaviour of Lixophaga spenophori, a tachinid parasite of the New Guinea sugarcane weevil
S. Pešić1999Adult weevils appearance (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in the soil in Kragujevac Basin.
G. Wang, Chen, J., Han, R.2005Advances in the research on the biology and control of coconut weevil Rhabdwscelus [Rhabdoscelus] lineaticollis (Heller)
G. Wang, Chen, J., Han, R.2005Advances in the research on the biology and control of coconut weevil Rhabdwscelus [Rhabdoscelus] lineaticollis (Heller)
J. L. Jaramillo, Ospina, C. M., Gil, Z. Nancy, Montoya, E. C., Benavides, P.2011Advances on the biology of Corthylus zulmae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Alnus acuminata (Betulaceae)
R. F. Billings2011Aerial Detection, Ground Evaluation, and Monitoring of the Southern Pine Beetle: State Perspecitives
E. Voss1959Afghanistans Curculionidenfauna, nach den jüngsten Forschungsergebnissen zusammengestellt. (155. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden).
E. VossSubmittedAfghanistans Curculionidenfauna, nach den jüngsten Forschungsergebnissen zusammengestellt. (155. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden). (Schluss)
E. VossSubmittedAfghanistans Curculionidenfauna, nach den jüngsten Forschungsergebnissen zusammengestellt. (155. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden). (Schluss)
E. VossSubmittedAfghanistans Curculionidenfauna, nach den jüngsten Forschungsergebnissen zusammengestellt. (155. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden). (Schluss)
J. Faust1885Africanische Rüsselkäfer
J. Faust1885Africanische Rüsselkäfer.
J. Faust1885Africanische Rüsselkäfer. II
J. Faust1885Africanische Rüsselkäfer. II.
H. J. Kolbe1888Afrikanische Coleoptera des Königlichen Museums für Naturkunde zu Berlin. I Theil.
J. Faust1894Afrikanische Curculioniden
J. Faust1894Afrikanische Curculioniden.
J. Rheinheimer1998Afrogeochus, eine neue Rüsselkäfer-Gattung aus Südafrika (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
D. E. Bright1981Afrotrypetus, a new genus of bark beetles from Africa (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)
D. E. Bright1981Afrotrypetus, a new genus of bark beetles from Africa (Coleoptera, Scolytidae).
T. Kuriwada, Kumano, N., Shiromoto, K., Haraguchi, D.2011Age-dependent investment in death-feigning behaviour in the sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius
R. Caldara1995Aggiunte alla revisione delle specie Paleartiche del genere Tychius.
E. W. Evans, Toler T. R.2007Aggregation of polyphagous predators in response to multiple prey: ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) foraging in alfalfa
B. G. Ambrogi, Zarbin P. H. G.2008Aggregation pheromone in Sternechus subsignatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): olfactory behaviour and temporal pattern of emission
Q. - H. Zhang, Song, L. - W., Ma, J. - H., Han, F. - Z., Sun, J. - H.2009Aggregation pheromone of a newly described spruce bark beetle, Ips shangrila Cognato and Sun, from China
G. Chen, Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, G., Bai, Y.2009Aggregation pheromone of bark beetle Ips duplicatus
C. Ruiz-Montiel, Garcia-Coapio, G., Rojas, J. C., Malo, E. A., Cruz-Lopez, L., del Real, I., González-Hernández, H.2008Aggregation pheromone of the agave weevil, Scyphophorus acupunctatus
Q. - H. Zhang, Ma, J. - H., Zhao, F. - Y., Song, L. - W., Sun, J. - H., Cognato, A. I.2011Aggregation pheromone of the Oriental spruce engraver Pseudips orientalis
Q. - H. Zhang, Ma, J. - H., Zhao, F. - Y., Song, L. - W., Sun, J. - H.2009Aggregation pheromone of the Qinghai spruce bark beetle, Ips nitidus eggers
R. M. Giblin-Davis, Gries, B., Robertson, L. N., Hara, A. H., Gries, G., O'Brien, C. W., Pierce, H. D.2000Aggregation Pheromones of Two Geographical Isolates of the New Guinea Sugarcane Weevil, Rhabdoscelus obscurus
R. M. Giblin-Davis, Gries, B., Robertson, L. N., Hara, A. H., Gries, G., O'Brien, C. W., Pierce, H. D.2000Aggregation Pheromones of Two Geographical Isolates of the New Guinea Sugarcane Weevil, Rhabdoscelus obscurus
R. M. Giblin-Davis, Gries, R., Crespi, B., Robertson, L. N., Hara, A. H., Gries, G., O'Brien, C. W., Pierce, H. D.2000Aggregation pheromones of two geographical isolates of the New Guinea sugarcane weevil, Rhabdoscelus obscurus
K. W. Dalla Torre1911Aglycyderidae, Proterrhinidae
K. W. Dalla Torre1911Aglycyderidae, Proterrhinidae.
A. T. Howden1966Airosimus, a new genus of Neotropical Tanymecini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
C. Baviera2010Alaocyba ientilei n. sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea, Raymondionymidae) from Marettimo Island (Egadi Archipelago, Sicily)
B. C. Emerson2007Alarm Bells for the molecular clock? No support for Ho et al.'s model of time-dependent molecular rate estimates
A. B. R. Witt, McConnachie, A. J., Stals, R.2004Alcidodes sedi (Col.: Curculionidae), a natural enemy of Bryophyllum delagoense (Crassulaceae) in South Africa and a possible candidate for the Biological Control of this weed in Australia.
E. Colonnelli1983Alcune note di sistematica generale dei Ceutorhynchinae, con descrizione di un nuovo genere e di tre nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
E. Colonnelli1983Alcune note di sistematica generale dei Ceutorhynchinae, con descrizione di un nuovo genere e di tre nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
E. Colonnelli1977Alcune note sui Ceutorhynchus del sottogenere Dionorenus Reitter, con descrizione di quattro nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae)
E. Colonnelli1977Alcune note sui Ceutorhynchus del sottogenere Dionorenus Reitter, con descrizione di quattro nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae).
M. Wanat2007Alignment and homology of male terminalia in Curculionoidea and other Coleoptera
M. Wanat2007Alignment and homology of male terminalia in Curculionoidea and other Coleoptera.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith