
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. HustacheSubmittedCurculionides de l'Afrique Occidentale Française.
A. HustacheSubmittedSynopsis des Curculionides de Madagascar. Troisieme Supplement.
F. W. Hutton, Broun T.SubmittedThe beetles of the Auckland Islands.
S. M. Iablokov-KhnzorianSubmittedNeue Käfer aus Sovjetarmenien (Buchidae et Curculionidae).
H. JacobSubmittedDie Curculioniden der Kolonie Hohenau (Beobachtungen und Sammelergebnisse).
E. JacquetSubmitted[Note sur l'Echinodes Ravouxi, nouveau genre de Curculionides français appartenant à la tribu des Cossonites].
H. JekelSubmittedRecherches sur la classification naturelle des Curculionides. 1re partie.
H. JekelSubmittedNote sur les genres Peribleptus Sch., Paipalesomus Sch. et Paipalephorus Jekel.
H. JekelSubmittedNotes sur le travail de M. Chevrolat concernant les Peridinetus.
<b>Jones, R. W.; O’Brien, C.W.; Ruiz-Montoya, L.; Gómez-Gómez.B.</b>SubmittedInsect diversity of tropical montane forests: diversity and spatial distribution of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) inhabiting leaf litter in southern Mexico.
F. KesselSubmittedFauna Brasiliensis Coleopterologica.
W. KirbySubmittedA Century of Insects, including several new Genera described from his Cabinet.
T. KirschSubmittedBeiträge zur Käferfauna von Bogotà. (Drittes Stück: Brenthiden und adelognathe Curculionen).
T. KirschSubmittedBeiträge zur Käferfauna von Bogotà. (Viertes Stück: Phanerognathe Curculionen).
T. KirschSubmittedBeiträge zur Käferfauna von Bogotà. (Fünftes Stück: Phanerognathe Curculionen aus der Gruppe der Apostasimeriden).
T. KirschSubmittedBeiträge zur Käferfauna von Bogotà. (Sechtes Stück).
T. KirschSubmittedEndaliscus Skalitzkyi, eine neue deutsche Rüsselkäfer-Gattung.
R. KleineSubmittedUeber die Gattung Ectocemus Pascoe und die systematische Stellung von E. pogonocerus Fairm.
H. J. KolbeSubmittedColeopteren aus Afrika.
B. A. KorotyaevSubmittedMaterialy k poznaniju dolgonosikov podsemejstva Apioninae (Coleoptera, Apionidae) iz tropicheskikh i subtropicheskikh rajonov Azii.
B. A. KorotyaevSubmittedNovye i maloizvestnye palearkticheskie dolgonosiki (Coleoptera: Apionidae, Curculionidae).
L. MagnanoSubmittedRevisione degli Otiorhynchus subgen. Acunotus con descrizione de due nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
L. MagnanoSubmittedRevisione degli Otiorhynchus subgen. Neobudemoides nov. e. descrizione di una nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
L. MagnanoSubmittedRevisione degli Otiorhynchus subgen. Acunotus con descrizione de due nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
L. MagnanoSubmittedRevisione degli Otiorhynchus subgen. Neobudemoides nov. e. descrizione di una nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
M. S. ManiSubmittedOn a fossil weevil from Nagpur, India.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedOn new species of African Coleoptera of the Family Curculionidae.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedOn a new species of Curculionidae injurious to olives in South Africa.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew Indian Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew South African Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedFive new weevils from Queensland (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew West African Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew East African Curculionidae (Col.).
M. S. ManiSubmittedOn a fossil weevil from Nagpur, India.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedOn new species of African Coleoptera of the Family Curculionidae.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedOn a new species of Curculionidae injurious to olives in South Africa.
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew Indian Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew South African Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedFive new weevils from Queensland (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew West African Curculionidae (Col.).
G. A. K. MarshallSubmittedNew East African Curculionidae (Col.).
A. V. MartynovSubmittedK poznaniju iskopaemykh nasekomykh jurskykh slantsev Turkestana. 5. O nekotorykh formakh zhukov (Coleoptera)
A. V. MartynovSubmittedK poznaniju iskopaemykh nasekomykh jurskykh slantsev Turkestana. 5. O nekotorykh formakh zhukov (Coleoptera).
M. Meregalli, Colonnelli E.SubmittedThe genus Ocladius Schönherr 1825 in the Arabian subregion, with description of six new species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Curculionidae)
M. Meregalli, Osella G.SubmittedRaymondionymus eximius sp. n., a remarkable new species of endogeic weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Raymondionymidae)
M. Meregalli, Osella G.SubmittedDichotrachelus kahleni sp. n., a new weevil species from the Carnian Alps, north-eastern Italy (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae)
M. Meregalli, Osella, G., Zuppa, A. M.SubmittedThe Raymondionymidae of the Curti collection, with descrip-tion of Raymondionymus curtii sp. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea)
<b>Meregalli, M.; Osella, G.</b>SubmittedRaymondionymus eximius sp. n., a remarkable new species of endogeic weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Raymondionymidae).
<b>Meregalli, M.; Osella, G.; Zuppa, A.M.</b>SubmittedThe Raymondionymidae of the Curti collection, with descrip-tion of Raymondionymus curtii sp. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea).
<b>Meregalli, M.; Osella, G.</b>SubmittedDichotrachelus kahleni sp. n., a new weevil species from the Carnian Alps, north-eastern Italy (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith