Publication Type: | Journal Article |
: | 2008 |
Authors: | E. Heiss |
Journal: | Beitraege zur Entomofaunistik |
Volume: | 8 |
Pagination: | 181-199 |
Date Published: | Februar |
Type of Article: | Article |
: | 1563-1400 |
: | Curculionidae |
: | One of the most active and prolific European entomologists, Jean Pericart celebrated his 80th birthday on February 8th this year. Starting with the study of Curculionidae in the fifties, he switched later to Heteroptera, publishing since numerous papers on taxonomy, species-, generic- and type revisions including faunistic and nomenclatorial contributions. However his major and outstanding achievement was the successful revival of the series "Faune de France" where his most important 10 volumes of monographs of several heteropteran families were then published under his editorship (1983 [long dash] 2004). They are now [long dash] and will be for a long time [long dash] the essential tools for the identification and distribution of European and Westpalaearctic true bugs. A list of his publications is given for the first time. |
A lifetime for entomology - Jean Pericart 80 years old
Taxonomic name: