Monographie des especes Europeennes et Algeriennes du genre Acalles, suivies de la description abregee des especes propres a l'ile de Madere, d'apres M. Wollaston

Publication Type:Journal Article
Authors:H. Brisout De Barneville
Journal:Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 4e ser.
Volume:tome iv
Type of Article:Article
:Acalles argillosus, Acalles capiomonti, Acalles pulchellus

Acalles. Brisout de Barneville has published (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 4e ser. tome iv. pp. 441-482) a monograph of the species of Acalles found in Europe, Algeria, and the Atlantic islands. The total number of species cited by the author is 41, of which 24 occur in Europe, 8 in Algeria, 2 in Teneriffe, 14 in Madeira, and 1 on the Salvages. The descriptions of most of the latter are borrowed from Wollaston. The number of new species described is 2. Acalles aeonii, described by Wollaston as having received its MS. name from Chevrolat (Cat. Can. Col. p. 285), appears here as a new species (l. c. p. 452) named by Wollaston in litt. The other Canarian species recorded is A. argillosus (Schonh.); but the 11 new species described by Wollaston (Cat. Can. Col.) are not referred to.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith