The species of Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman and Eupelmus (Episolindelia) Girault (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) in North America north of Mexico

Publication Type:Journal Article
Authors:G. A. P. Gibson
Date Published:8 Jul
:1175-5326; 1175-5334

The species of Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman and Eupelmus (Episolindelia) Girault (Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) in North America north of Mexico are revised. Illustrated keys are given to differentiate the three subgenera of Eupelmus and fe- males and known males of 19 recognized species of E. (Eupelmus) and E. (Episolindelia). Five species are classified in E. (Episolindelia), including the three newly described species E. (Episolindelia) fuscipectus n. sp., E. (Episolindelia) grisselli n. sp., and E. (Episolindelia) varicauda n. sp., which are based only on females. Eupelmus rubicola (Ashmead), described originally from a unique male, is tentatively associated with females and is classified as E. (Episolindelia) ru- bicola n. stat. based on this association. Fourteen species are classified in E. (Eupelmus), including the four newly de- scribed species E. (Eupelmus) arizonensis n. sp., E. (Eupelmus) curticinctus n. sp., E. (Eupelmus) nitifrons n. sp., and E. (Eupelmus) pervius n. sp. Two Palaearctic species, E. (Eupelmus) stramineipes Nikol'skaya and E. (Eupelmus) micro- zonus Forster, are newly recorded from North America. Newly placed in synonymy under E. microzonus is E. (Eupelmus) insulae Masi n. syn. It is further suggested that E. (Eupelmus) nigricauda Nikol'skaya likely is also a junior synonym of E. microzonus. Information is also given on the identity of the Palaearctic names E. (Eupelmus) afer Silvestri, E. (Eupel- mus) martellii Masi, E. (Eupelmus) nubilipennis Forster, E. (Eupelmus) spongipartus Forster, and E. (Eupelmus) urozonus Dalman. A lectotype is designated for E. (Eupelmus) pini Taylor and under this name are placed in synonymy the Palae- arctic names E. aloysii Russo n. syn., E. carinifrons Yang n. syn., E. sculpturatus Nikol'skaya n. syn., and Eupelmus suecicus Hedqvist n. syn. Four other new synonyms made are Eupelmus amicus Girault under E. (Eupelmus) cushmani (Crawford) n. syn., Eupelmus ficigerae (Ashmead) under E. (Eupelmus) dryorhizoxeni Ashmead n. syn., Eupelmus mom- phae Gahan under E. (Eupelmus) cyaniceps Ashmead n. syn., and Eupelmus quercus under E. (Eupelmus) cynipidis Ash- mead n. syn. The subspecies Eupelmus cyaniceps scolyti Liao, described originally from China, is treated as E. (Eupelmus) scolyti Liao n. stat. and compared to E. (Eupelmus) formosae Ashmead. Eupelmus floridanus Howard is treat- ed as a nomen dubium and the following 20 species are newly transferred from Eupelmus to other genera [long dash] Anastatus (Anastatus) ashmeadi (Melander & Brues) n. comb., Brasema aurata (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema barda (Girault) n. comb., Brasema brevicauda (Crawford) n. comb., Brasema bruchivora (Crawford) n. comb., Brasema coccidis (Gi- rault) n. comb., Brasema dryophantae (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema flavovariegata (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema fon- teia (Walker) n. comb., Brasema juglandis (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema lamachus (Walker) n. comb., Brasema limneriae (Howard) n. comb., Brasema macrocarpae (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema neococcidis (Peck) n. comb., Brasema neomexicana (Girault) n. comb., Brasema rosae (Ashmead) n. comb., Brasema speciosa (Girault) n. comb., Brasema sphaericephalus (Ashmead) n. comb., Reikosiella (Reikosiella) biguttata (Girault) n. comb., and R. (Reikosiel- la) charitopoides (Girault) n. comb.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith