
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
K. M. Addesso, McAuslane H. J.2009Pepper weevil attraction to volatiles from host and nonhost plants
K. M. Addesso, McAuslane, H. J., Stansly, P. A., Slansky, F., Schuster, D. J.2009Artificial substrates for oviposition and larval development of the pepper weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
K. M. Addesso, McAuslane, H. J., Stansly, P. A., Schuster, D. J.2007Host-marking by female pepper weevils, Anthonomus eugenii
C. Adarkwah, Fields, P. G., Schoeller, M., Reichmuth, C.2012Resistance and physiological differences in the rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) exposed to diatomaceous earth
C. Adarkwah, Buettner, C., Prozell, S., Reichmuth, C., Obeng-Ofori, D., Schoeller, M.2008Biological control of Sitophilus zeamais (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in bagged maize with Lariophagus distinguendus (Foerster) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in rice with Habrobracon hebetor (S
A. S. Adams, Six D. L.2007Temporal variation in mycophagy and prevalence of fungi associated with developmental stages of Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
A. S. Adams, Six D. L.2008Detection of host habitat by parasitoids using cues associated with mycangial fungi of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae
A. S. Adams, Currie, C. R., Cardoza, Y., Klepzig, K. D., Raffa, K. F.2009Effects of symbiotic bacteria and tree chemistry on the growth and reproduction of bark beetle fungal symbionts
A. S. Adams, Boone, C. K., Bohlmann, J., Raffa, K. F.2011Responses of Bark Beetle-Associated Bacteria to Host Monoterpenes and Their Relationship to Insect Life Histories
A. S. Adams, Adams, S. M., Currie, C. R., Gillette, N. E., Raffa, K. F.2010Geographic Variation in Bacterial Communities Associated With the Red Turpentine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
R. Acuna, Padilla, B. E., Florez-Ramos, C. P., Rubio, J. D., Herrera, J. C., Benavides, P., Lee, S. - J., Yeats, T. H., Egan, A. N., Doyle, J. J., Rose, J. K. C.2012Adaptive horizontal transfer of a bacterial gene to an invasive insect pest of coffee
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F. Abe, Ohkusu, M., Kubo, T., Kawamoto, S., Sone, K., Hata, K.2010Isolation of yeasts from palm tissues damaged by the red palm weevil and their possible effect on the weevil overwintering
F. Abe, Hata, K., Sone, K.2009Life history of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Dryophtoridae), in southern Japan
M. A. R. Abdullah2009Biological control of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by the parasitoid mite, Rhynchopolipus rhynchophori (Ewing) (Acarina: Podapolipidae)
M. A. R. Abdullah2009Toxicological and histopathological studies of Boxus Buxus chinensis oil and precocene II on larvae of the red palm weevil Rynchophorus Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
M. H. Abdally, Abo-Elsaad, M. M., Al-Shaggag, A. A., Al-Bagshy, M. M., Al-Shawaf, A. A.2010Detection of insect immunity substances (lectins) in the midgut extracts from larvae and adult red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) in AI-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
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P. S.2007Bagous puncticollis Boheman, 1845 - new weevil species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) for the fauna of Serbia


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith