Revision of Temnorhinus from Thu, 2017-07-13 12:15

genus Temnorhinus Chevrolat, 1872: 17 type species Bothynoderes brevirostris Gyllenhal, 1834
      Pseudotemnorrhinus Voss, 1960: 239 type species Temnorrhinus inustulatus Voss, 1960
      Pycnodactylus Chevrolat, 1872: 18 type species Lixus pacificus Olivier, 1807 (= Curculio hololeucus Pallas, 1781)

subgenus Fabiocleonus Arzanov, 2006d: 61 type species Bothynoderes mendicus Gyllenhal, 1834
mendicus Gyllenhal, 1834: 238 (Bothynoderes) !  TL: “Gallia meridionalis”  AFR: DZ# MA3,# ML# TN13,#  EUR: ES1,25,# FR* IT1,20,# MT1,11,#
      orbitalis Fåhraeus, 1842: 111 (Cleonus)  TL “Algier”  AFR: DZ*

subgenus Massimocleonus Arzanov, 2006: 58 type species Lixus arabs Olivier, 1807
arabs Olivier, 1807: 257 (Lixus) !  TL: “Arabie”  ASIA: IQ36,# IR18,# KG15 KZ2 TJ2 TM2,# UZ2,#
      dohrni Faust, 1883: 121 (Bothynoderes) !  TL: “Divana, Samgar”  ASIA: TJ* TM37 UZ*
betae Perrin, 1970: 360 !  ASIA: IR*
cylindricus Gebler, 1841: 601 (Bothynoderes)  TL: “Nor-Saisan”  ASIA: KZ*
discrepans Ter-Minasyan, 1988b: 121 (Stephanocleonus) !  TL: “Spin Boldak”  ASIA: AF*
elongatus Gebler, 1844: 104 (Cleonus) !  TL: Dzhungarian desert  ASIA: "Transcaucasia"18 AM# AZ2 CN(XJ*) IR18,31,# KG2 KZ2,37,# MN18,37 TM# TJ2 UZ2,22,#  EUR: RU27
heros Suvorov, 1910: 262  TL: “Saksaul”  ASIA: CN(XJ16) KZ*
      heroicus Csiki, 1934: 16 [unnecessary replacement name]
nasutus Hochhuth, 1847: 483 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Armenien”  ASIA: AM* AZ# TR#
oryx Reitter, 1897: 223 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Repetek”  ASIA: CN(QH16 XJ16) MN2,21,# TM*
paludani Voss, 1955: 298 (BothynoderesTL: “Farah”  ASIA: AF* IR# IR#
perforatus Faust, 1904: 216 !  TL: “Karachi”  ASIA: PK*

subgenus Temnorhinus Chevrolat, 1872: 17 type species Bothynoderes brevirostris Gyllenhal, 1834
      Pseudotemnorrhinus Voss, 1960: 239 type species Temnorrhinus inustulatus Voss, 1960
      Pycnodactylus Chevrolat, 1872: 18 type species Lixus pacificus Olivier, 1807 (= Curculio hololeucus Pallas, 1781)
albofimbriatus Chevrolat, 1873: 44  TL: “Bone”  AFR: DZ* MA&
      serieguttulatus Desbrochers des Loges, 1875: 16 (Cleonus) ! TL: “Egypte, Algérie”  AFR: DZ* EG*
brevirostris Gyllenhal, 1834: 237 (Bothynoderes) !  TL: “Gallia meridionalis”  AFR: DZ34,# EG4,34 ER23,# ES(Canary Islands)1,24,# ET34,# KE30 LY7,# MA3 SD# SN# SO# TD# TN2,34  ASIA: CY1,6,# EG(SINAI) IL9,# IN18,# IQ19,# IR18,31,# JO10,# OM# PK29,# SA# TR# YE#  EUR: ES1,25,# FR* IT* MT11
      aegyptius Chevrolat, 1873: 45 ! T TL: “Aegyptius”  AFR: EG*
      rufulus Chevrolat, 1873: 43 !  TL: “Kordofan”  AFR: SD*
      saucerottei Chevrolat, 1873: 44 !  TL: “Sennaar”  ASIA: IQ*
desbrochersi Petri, 1914: 47  TL: “Biskra”  AFR: DZ*
hololeucus Pallas, 1781: 35 (CurculioTL: “In deserti caspici”  ASIA: AM2,# AZ2 CN(GS#) IL9 IR18,26 JO# KZ2,28,# MN17 PK# RU# TM2,37,# TR17,# UZ2,12,#  EUR: LT8 RU1,2,27,#
      pacificus Olivier, 1807: 268 (Lixus)  TL: “Arabie”  ASIA: IR*
interpositus Voss, 1959a: 7 !  TL: “Anbar-Abad, Bampur, Iranshar, Shadegan”  ASIA: IR*
inustulatus Voss, 1960: 239  TL: “Sanguine, zwischen Yaktchal und Kadjahkai”  ASIA: AF*
kirguisicus Chevrolat, 1873: 43 !  TL: “Kirguis. desertus”  ASIA: AF14,§ KZ* TR# UZ#
limbifer Faust, 1904: 218 !  TL: “China”  ASIA: CN(SX#)
longulus Fåhraeus, 1842: 103  TK: “Caffraria”  AFR: NA# ZA*
martini Faust, 1904: 218 !  TL: “Cap Palos”  AFR: MA#  EUR: ES*
menozzii F. Solari, 1950: 38 !  TL: “Casalina”  EUR: IT*
mixtus Fabricius, 1792: 417 (CurculioTL: “Barbaria” AFR: DZ34,# EG4,34 ES(Canary Islands)1,24,# LY7 MA3,# PT(Madeira, Selvage Islands)33 SD# TN13,#  ASIA: AM35 CY1,6,# IL9,# IR18,# PS# SY5,# TR#  EUR: ES1,25,# FR1 IT1,20
      conicirostris Olivier, 1807: 264 (Lixus)  TL: “Egypt”  AFR: EG*
      jekelii Wollaston, 1862: 441 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Canarias”  AFR: ES(Canary Islands*)
      semilunatus Petri, 1904: 235 (Lixus)  TL: “Insula Madeira”  AFR: PT(Madeira Archipelago*)
morettiae Voss, 1964: 585 !  TL: “2. Nilkatarakt”  AFR: EG–SD*
rungsi Hoffmann, 1938: 51 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Rabat”  AFR: MA*
seductus Faust, 1904: 218 !  TL: “Djibouti”  AFR: ER# DJ* TZ# YE(Soqotra)#
seurati Peyerimhoff, 1927: 25 (Conorhynchus) !  TL: “Oued Melah”  AFR: TN*
subcylindricus Petri, 1908a: 72 (Lixus)  TL: “El Kreider”  AFR: DZ*
surdus Gyllenhal, 1834: 235 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Promont. Bonae Spei”  AFR: NA# ZA*
turbinatus Chevrolat, 1869: 75 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Oran”  AFR: DZ*
verecundus Faust, 1883c: 123 (Bothynoderes) !  TL: “Naryn river”  ASIA: “Caucasus”18 AF32 AM2 AZ2 CN(XJ16) IR2,18,# KG/UZ* KZ2 MN21 PK29 TM37,# UZ2  EUR: RU1,2,27

References: 1: Fauna Europaea 2016; 2: Ter-Minasyan 1988a; 3: Kocher 1961; 4: Alfieri 1976; 5: Weill & al. 2011; 6: Alziar 2012; 7: Colonnelli 2013; 8: Tamutis & al. 2008; 9: Friedmann (pers. comm.); 10: Katbeh-Bader 2008; 11: Mifsud & Colonnelli 2010; 12: Khamraev 2003; 13: Normand 1937; 14: Voss 1959b; 15: Bajtenov 1974; 16 Huang & al. 2000; 17: Gültekin 2012; 18: Legalov & al. 2010; 19: Derwesh 1965; 20: Abbazzi & Maggini 2009; 21: Ter-Minasyan 1972a; 22: Khamraev & Davenport 2004; 23: Gestro 1889; 24: Machado & Oromí 2000; 25: Alonso-Zarazaga 2002; 26: Ghahari & Colonnelli 2012; 27: Arzanov 2013; 28: Zverezomb-Zukovskij 1956; 29: Ahmed & Legalov 2015; 30: Hustache 1929; 31: Modarres Awal 1997; 32: Ter-Minasyan 1972b; 33: Stüben 2016; 34: Bedel 1909; 35: Faust 1904; 36: Zumpt 1938a; 37: Heyden 1895; §: Entomological Museum of Lund University


Key: Faust 1904; Ter-Minasyan 1988a (Russia); Skuhrovec & al. 2014 (West Palaearctic)



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Taxonomic name: 
Temnorhinus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Bothynoderes (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Pseudotemnorrhinus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Pycnodactylus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Lixus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Lixus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculio (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculio (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Cleonus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Stephanocleonus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Stephanocleonus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Longulus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Conorhynchus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Conorhynchus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculionoidea (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Scolytidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Platypodidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Cleonini (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Cleonini (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Attelabidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculionidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculionidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Cleoninae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Anthribidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Rhynchitidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Brentidae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Brachyceridae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Dryophthoridae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Pteros (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Lixinae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Anthonominae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Magdalinae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Hylobiinae (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Conorhynchus hololeucus (Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 (amended)), Curculionoidea (Oberprieler et al, 2007), Attelabidae (Oberprieler et al, 2007), Curculionidae (Oberprieler et al, 2007), Anthribidae (Oberprieler et al, 2007), Brentidae (Oberprieler et al, 2007), Bothynoderes (Pest Weevils), Lixus (Pest Weevils), Curculio (Pest Weevils), Curculionoidea (Pest Weevils), Platypodidae (Pest Weevils), Attelabidae (Pest Weevils), Curculionidae (Pest Weevils), Anthribidae (Pest Weevils), Brachyceridae (Pest Weevils), Dryophthoridae (Pest Weevils), Lixinae (Pest Weevils)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith