genus Asproparthenis Gozis, 1886: 30 type species Lixus punctiventris Germar, 1823
albicans Gyllenhal, 1834: 239 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Austria” AFR: DZ* ASIA: TR2,7 EUR: AT* BG1,38 GR1,15,# HR1 HU# IT1,29,# MK# RO# TR1,# UA3
flavicans Fåhraeus, 1842: 90 (Cleonus) TL: “Illyria” EUR: AT*
mus Chevrolat, 1873: 20 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Sardinia” EUR: IT(Sardegna)*
atrirostris Gebler, 1832: 60 (Cleonus) [Doubtful combination] TL: “Nertchinsk” ASIA: RU*
bohemani Faust, 1891a: 395 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Federovskaja” ASIA: AF§ CN(XJ#) IR4,33 KZ* UZ4,11 EUR: UA43
carinata Zubkov, 1829: 166 (Cleonis) TL: “Steppes des Kirguises” ASIA: IR4,36 JO# KZ* RU4,18,# TM40 TR2,7 UZ23,# EUR: MK# RU1,4,# UA1,43,#
carinata ornata Krynicki, 1832: 152 (Cleonis) TL: “Orenburg” EUR: RU*
carinulata Schoenherr, 1834: 225 (Cleonus) [unnecessary replacement name]
fissirostris Chevrolat, 1873: 14 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Persia borealis” ASIA: IR*
halophila Gebler, 1829: 159 (Cleonus) ! “Loktewsk, Noor-Saisan l.” ASIA: KZ*
halophila Schoenherr, 1832: 218 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Alpes du Caucase”
halophila Gebler, 1834: 234 (Bothynoderes) [Homonym] TL: “Irtysch” ASIA: RU*
carinicollis Gyllenhal, 1834: 241 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Odessa” ASIA: "Turkestan"39 AF§ IR4 KZ4,11,# RU4,18,# SY32TR7,# EUR: RO1 RU1,2 UA*
angulicollis Chevrolat, 1873: 20 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Turcia”
cognata Fåhraeus, 1842: 91 (Cleonus) ! TL: “Littora orient. Maris Caspici” ASIA: KZ*
crotchi Chevrolat, 1873: 11 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Carthagena” AFR: TN# EUR: ES* FR1,# IT1,29,#
crotchi napoleonis Reitter, 1905: 201 (Bothynoderes) TL: Corsica, Sardegna EUR: FR(Corsica)* IT(Sardegna)*
genei Chevrolat, 1873: 18 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Sardinia” EUR: IT (Sardegna)*
hispana Chevrolat, 1873: 12 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Hispania” EUR: ES*
meridionalis Chevrolat, 1873: 13 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Gallia mer.” EUR: FR*
peregrina Chevrolat, 1873: 19 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Gallia mer.” EUR: FR*
emgei Stierlin, 1890: 272 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Graecia” ASIA: CY# TR7,# EUR: GR* TR1
foveocollis Gebler, 1834: 234 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Siberia occidentalis” ASIA: CN(GS5 NM41 QH41 XJ6,40) IR4,36 KG§,# KZ4,# MN37,# PK35 RU* UZ8,23 EUR: RU1,4,# UA1,43,#
communis Motschulsky, 1860: c. 542 (Bothynoderus) ! TL: Djan-Daria, Irtysch river, coasts of the Caspian sea” ASIA: KZ*
fatua Gyllenhal, 1834: 243 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Sibiria” ASIA: RU*
musculus Fåhraeus, 1842: 96 (Cleonus) TL: “Sibiria” ASIA: RU*
podolica Chevrolat, 1873: 23 (Plagiographus) ! TL: “Podolia” EUR: UA*
guyoti Hartmann, 1909: 122 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: Sinai ASIA: EG(Sinai)*
kahirina Faust, 1904: 212 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Cairo” AFR: EG* ASIA: EG(Sinai)25,# SY9
leucophaea Ménétriés, 1849: 254 (Cleonus) TL: “Turcomania” ASIA: CN(XJ6) KZ11 TM* UZ11,42
libitinaria Faust, 1886: 148 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Sanju” ASIA: AF# CN(GS5 QH5,6,@ NM@ SX@ XJ*) KG# MN5,#
lusca Chevrolat, 1869: 77 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Carthagena” EUR: ES* FR1 IT1,29
maculicollis Chevrolat, 1873: 15 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Malta” ASIA: CY# EUR: IT1,29 MT*
andreae Colonnelli, 1991: 90 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Bosco Rivolta, Foce Sinni” EUR: IT*
obsoletefasciata Ménétriés, 1849: 256 (Cleonus) TL: “Bochara” ASIA: AF21 CN(XJ6,#) IQ# IR4,33,# KG# KZ10,41,# OM# RU# TJ# TM11,# UZ11,23,#
partita Faust, 1885: 164 (Bothynoderes) TL “Kasalinsk, Divana, Chodshent, Margelan, Ssaurun” ASIA: KZ*, RU*, UZ*
punctiventris Germar, 1823: 397 (Lixus) TL: “Saxonia” AFR: MA24,# TN# ASIA: AF§ AM14,# AZ14,# CN(BJ6,13,@ GS5,13,@ HA5,13 HE5,13,@ HL5,13,@ JL13,@ LN13,@ NM5,13,@,# NX5,13,@ QH@ SD5,13,@ SN5,13,@ SX5,13,@ XJ5,13,@) GE14 IL12 IQ14 IR4,33 KG# KZ10,# MN14 PK35,# RU10,# SY9 TJ14,@ TM14,# TR2,7,# UZ14,23,#EUR: AT* BG1,38,# CH16 CZ1,26,# DE1,# ES31,# FR1,# GR1,15,# HR14 HU1,27,# IT1,29 MD1,30,# ME14 MK# PL1,14 RO14,# RS22,# RU1,# SI14 SK1,26,# UA1,28,#
austriaca Reitter, 1905: 200 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Umg. Wien” EUR: AT*
betavora Chevrolat, 1873: 9 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Tauria, Caucasus” EUR: UA*
carinifer Fåhraeus, 1842: 92 (Cleonus) ! TL: “Littora orient. maris Caspici” ASIA: KZ*
duplicarina Chevrolat, 1876: cxlvii (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Allemagne” EUR: DE*
farinosa Fåhraeus, 1842: 93 (Cleonus) ! TL: “Littora orient. maris Caspici” ASIA: KZ* TM*
lineiventris Chevrolat, 1876: cxlvi (Bothynoderes) ! TL: Achaltsikhe ASIA: GE*
lymphata Fåhraeus, 1842: 88 (Cleonus) ! TL: “Littora orient. maris Caspici” ASIA: KZ*
menetriesi Chevrolat, 1873: 9 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Turcomania” ASIA: TM*
nigrocincta Chevrolat, 1873: 8 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Rossia merid.” EUR: RU*
nubeculosa Boheman, 1829: 131 (Cleonus) TL: “Caucasus”
obliquivittis Chevrolat, 1884: lxviii (Stephanocleonus) TL: “Austria?” EUR: AT*
punctiventris stigma Reitter, 1905: 205 (Bothynoderes) TL: “Ungarn, Osteuropa, Südrussland” EUR: HU* RU*
sareptensis Chevrolat, 1873: 8 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Sarepta” ASIA: KZ*
tenebrosa Boheman, 1829: 132 (Cleonus) TL: “Caucasus”
uniformis Chevrolat, 1873: 12 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Hispania” EUR: ES*
remaudierei Hoffmann, 1962: 654 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Datchi Leili” ASIA: AF*
rufotibialis Zumpt, 1938a: 13 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Basra” ASIA: IQ*
salebrosicollis Boheman, 1842: 90 (Cleonus) ! TL: Irkutsk” ASIA: CN(GS5 QH41,# XJ# ) KG# KZ# MN10,# RU* TJ#
sculpticollis Zumpt, 1938a: 14 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Hille, Baghdad” AFR: EG# ASIA: EG(Sinai)# IQ* IR4 KW# SA# SY9,#
iranensis Ter-Minasyan, 1988a: 216 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: Shahbaz, Khodiabad ASIA: IR*
secura Faust, 1890d: 462 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Donkyr, Amdo” ASIA: CN(BJ17,@ GS5 HE5,@ HL5,@ JL5,@ JS5,@ NM5,@ NX5 QH* SX@ XJ19,@) RU18,#
dissensa Reitter, 1905: 205 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Mongolia, Gan-ssu” ASIA: CN(GS*) MN*
dissensa amanda Reitter, 1905: 204 TL: “Turkestan, Astrachan” ASIA EUR: RU*
sparsa Zubkov, 1833: 334 (Cleonis) [Doubtful combination] TL: Eastern coasts Caspian sea
pagana Fåhraeus, 1842: 117 (Cleonus) [unnecessary replacement name]
steveni Faust, 1891a: 394 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Caucasus” ASIA: AM10,# AZ10,# IR4,36,# TM10,11 TR#
vexata Gyllenhal, 1834: 240 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Tauria” ASIA: AF21 BH# CN(GS41,# TJ# XJ5,6,#) IR4,33 KG& KR20 KZ10 MN# RU18 TJ11 TM+ UZ23 EUR: BG38 RU10 UA*
ambigua Fåhraeus, 1842: 95 (Cleonus) ! TL: "Sibiria occidentalis" ASIA: RU*
amicus Faust, 1891a: 393 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Pamir” ASIA: "Pamir"*
impudens Reitter, 1905: 202 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: Chanskaja” EUR: RU*
pusio Reitter, 1905: 203 (Bothynoderes) ! TL: “Kirghisia, Astrachan, Chanskaja” ASIA: KG* EUR: RU*
vexata soluta Reitter, 1905: 203 (color variant, infrasubspecific) TL: “Astrachan, Kirghisia” ASIA: KG* EUR: RU*
References: 1: Fauna Europaea 2016; 2: Avgin & Colonnelli 2011; 3: Sumarokov 2004; 4: Legalov & al. 2010; 5: Hua 2002; 6: Huang & al. 2000 7: Lodos & al. 2003; 8: Rashikov & Khasanov 2003; 9: Weill & al. 2011; 10: Ter-Minasyan 1988a; 11: Bajtenov 1974; 12: Friedman (pers. comm. 2013); 13: Lang 2012; 14: 2016; 15: Bahr & al. 2016; 16: Germann 2010; 17: Chao & Chen 1980; 18: Legalov 2010; 19: Qiaozhe & al. 2011; 20: Hong & al. 2000; 21: Voss 1959b; 22: Pešić & Mesaroš 2012; 23: Khamraev 2003; 24: Kocher 1961; 25: Alfieri 1976; 26: Benedikt & al. 2010; 27: Podlussany & Zoltán 2008; 28: Mazur 2002; 29: Abbazzi & Maggini 2009; 30: Bacal & al. 2013; 31: Alonso-Zarazaga 2002; 32: Reitter 1905; 33: Ghahari & Colonnelli 2012; 34: Arzanov 2013; 35: Ahmed & Legalov 2015; 36: Modarres Awal 1997; 37: Ter-Minasyan 1972b; 38: Angelov 1978; 39: Csiki 1934; 40: Becker 1878; 41: Heyden 1895; 42: Khamraev & Davenport 2004; 43: Yunakov et al. 2018; §: Entomological Museum of Lund University; +: Siberian Museum; @: IOZ
Key: Reitter 1905; Ter-Minasyan 1988a (Russia); Skuhrovec & al. 2014 (West Palaearctic)
Remarks: 1. Taxonomy of this genus is still poorly understood and some of the species appear to be complexes of sibling taxa. Therefore, distribution must be considered as the distribution of the species-group. Moreover, some of the identifications reported in the cited papers are questionable. 2. The paper by Gebler (1829), formerly considered to have been published in 1830, and dated as such on the first page, actually appeared on October 4, 1829 (Schmitt 2017 and Alonso-Zarazaga, personal communication). The paper by Zubkov (1829) was surely printed after November 1, 1829 (date of the printing permit as reported on the second page). Therefore, Cleonus halophilus Gebler, 1829 has priority over Cleonis carinata Zubkov, 1829. Pending further study on the possible application of Art. 23.9 ICZN, or alternatively to propose conservation of C. carinata Zubkov, 1829 to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, the present day status is here maintained.
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Alonso-Zarazaga M. A. 2002. Lista preliminar de los Coleoptera Curculionoidea del área ibero-balear, con descripción de Melicius gen. nov. y nuevas citas. Boletin de la Sociedad entomologica aragonesa, 31: 9–33.
Angelov P. 1978. Fauna Bulgarica, 7. Coleoptera, Curculionidae. II part. (Brachyderinae, Brachycerinae, Tanymecinae, Cleoninae, Curculioninae, Myorrhininae). Academia Scientiarum Bulgarica. Institutum Zoologicum. Sofia: In Aedibus Academiae Scientiarum Bulgaricae. 233 pp.
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Last updated on March 2, 2019