
genus Cleonis Dejean, 1821: 96 type species Curculio sulcirostris Linnaeus, 1767 (= Curculio piger Scopoli, 1763)
      Cleonus Schoenherr, 1826: 145 [unnecessary replacement name]
      Geomorus Schoenherr, 1823: c.1141 type species Curculio sulcirostris Linnaeus, 1767
      Xerobia Gistel, 1856: 373 type species Curculio sulcirostris Linnaeus, 1767

freyi Zumpt, 1936: 15 (CleonusTL: “Schohchow”  ASIA: CN(BJ2,@,# GD@ GS2 HE2 HL2,@ JL@,# NM2,@,# NX@ SN2 SX* TJ@)
japonica japonica Faust, 1904: 237 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Yokohama”  ASIA: CN(BJ# SC# YU#) JP* KP6 KR6 NP# RU18,#
japonica hasujizo Kôno, 1929: 52 (CleonusTL: “Sapporo”  ASIA: JP(Hokkaido*) RU(Kuril29)
neglecta Ter-Minasyan & Egorov, 1981: 122 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Amurskaya obl.”, ASIA: "Jehang"(?KR, ?CN)# RU*
pigra Scopoli, 1763: 23 (CurculioTL: “Carniolia”  AFR: DZ# LY10 MA12# TN  ASIA: AM# AZ4 CN(BJ2,@,# GS2,39,@ HA2 HE2,@ HL2,@,# LN2,@ NM2,39,@ QH#,2,@ SC2,@,# SN2,@ SX2,@ TJ@,# XJ2,@,#) GE# IN# IQ# IR35,# KG# KR6 KZ# LB24 MN31 PK8,# RU18,39,# SY# TM39 TR9,24,# UZ33,39  EUR: "Carniolia"* AL1,# AT1,# BA1 BE1,14 BG1,37,# BY1,16 CH1,30 CZ1,20,# DE1,# DK1 ES1,34,# FI1 FR1,# GB1,19 GR1,11,# HR1 HU1,21,# IE17 IT1,28,# LT15,# LU7 LV3 MD1,32 MK1,# MT1 NL1 NO1 PL1,13,# PT1 RO1,23 RS1,27,# RU1,# SE1,38 SI1 SK1,20,# SM1 TR1 UA1,22,#NAM: CA(i)25 US(i)(IN36 MI25,36 NY25,36 PA25,36)
      caucasica Chevrolat, 1873: 10 (Bothynoderes) !  TL: “Caucasus”
      centaureae Allioni, 1766: 187 (Curculio)  TL: Turin  EUR: IT*
      fasciata Geoffroy, 1785: 118 (Curculio) [Homonym] [doubt application]  TL: Paris  EUR: FR*
      fuscata Gmelin, 1790: 1804 (Curculio) [doubt application]  TL: “Gallia”  EUR: FR*
      impexa Motschulsky, 1860: c. 540 (Cleonus)  TL: Eastern “Steppes des Kirguises”  ASIA: KZ*
      indica Fåhraeus, 1842: 55 (Cleonus)  TL: “Bengala”  ASIA: IN*
      nebulosa Geoffroy, 1785: 116 (Curculio) [Homonym]  TL: Paris  EUR: FR*
      pigra iranensis Voss, 1971: 3 (Cleonus)  TL: “Sabalan” ASIA: IR*
      scutellata Boheman, 1829: 130 (Cleonus)  TL: no distribution indicated
      sulcirostris Linnaeus, 1767: 617 (Curculio)  TL: no distribution reported
      transversofasciata Goeze, 1777: 409 (Curculio) [doubt application]  TL: no distribution reported
sardoa Chevrolat, 1869: 75 (Cleonus) !  TL: “Sardinia”  EUR: IT(Sardegna)*
      raymondi Perris, 1869: 22 (Cleonus)  TL: “Sardinia” EUR: IT(Sardegna)*

References: 1: Fauna Europaea 2016; 2: Lang 2012; 3: Balalaikins & Bukejs 2011; 4: Tozlu & al. 2005; 5: Ter-Minasyan 1988a; 6: Hong & al. 2000; 7: Braunert 2009; 8: Hashmi & Tashfeen 1992; 9: Lodos & al. 2003; 10: Colonnelli 2013; 11: Bahr & al. 2016; 12: Kocher 1961; 13: PolBIN 2016; 14: Delbol 2013; 15: Tamutis & al. 2011; 16: Alexandrovitch & al. 1996; 17: Anderson R. & al. 2005; 18: Legalov 2010; 19: Duff 2012; 20: Benedikt & al. 2010; 21: Podlussany & Zoltán 2008; 22: Mazur 2002; 23: Procheş 1999; 24: Fremuth 1982; 25: Anderson R.S. 1987; 26: Chao & Chen 1980; 27: Pešić & Mesaroš 2012; 28: Abbazzi & Maggini 2009; 29: Kojima & Morimoto 2004; 30: Germann 2010; 31: Ter-Minasyan 1972a; 32: Bacal & al. 2013; 33: Khamraev (pers. comm.); 34: Alonso-Zarazaga 2002; 35: Ghahari & Colonnelli 2012; 36: McClay 2002; 37: Angelov 1978; 38: Rassi & al. 2015; 39: Heyden 1895; @: IOZ coll.

Remarks: A lectotype of Cleonus impexus Motschulsky, 1860 was designated by Arzanov (2008). However, the description states that C. impexus lives in the eastern part of the "Steppes des Kirghises", whereas the specimen used as the lectotype is labeled Greece. 


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Last updated on July 21, 2017

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